Monday, August 23, 2010

Greetings and videos for My Columbus Students!

Hello gentlemen, I am in the Frankfurt airport on my journey home from Poland and the Civic Voices Project... It has been an outstanding experience! I encourage you to travel and learn about the people and cultures share the planet with us. Here are a few videos to enjoy... Bells to awaken your spirit this day...
The Solidarity Union had a chaplain and patron in Fr. Jerzy Popieluski who preached "fight evil with good;" he was murdered by the dictatorship's secret police in 1984. Our time in Warsaw was spent at small hotel attached to the St Stanslaw's Church where Fr. Jerzy is buried and well venerated by grateful and faithful men and women of Poland; many came by foot or by bus to visit his grave and to pray in the church.
Pope John Paul II in Poland, naturally!
The Poles who organized and fought against the Nazi occupiers and then against the Soviet domination are commemorated with monuments and memorials throughout Poland. In Kielce, I found this stunning monument honoring the efforts of brave men and women and children who resisted and fought oppression. We also visited the Warsaw Uprising Museum which was fascinating. See
This gentleman is Jan Karski, a hero and upstanding example to the rest of Humanity.
Kielce was the site of a pogrom against Jews who wanted to return to Kielce and reclaim their lives and property...42 Jews were murdered by members of the community who were not stopped by the police...

Quo Vadis? Meaning...yours to discover!

The Old Town in Warsaw is picturesque and filled with folks enjoying a Saturday evening with good food and live jazz! We were happy to partake in the Stare Miasto's many bounties!
A short clip of the Jazz concert can be seen at!/video/video.php?v=1492172736832 The Legend of Warsaw can be seen at!/video/video.php?v=1492149096241 See you tomorrow - bring your syllabus!

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